Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Preview of gatsby essay

To begin with the American dream comes with different ideas. One could be having a muscle car driving on a sunny day with a beautiful girl by your side while drinking a cold crispy pop. For others the American dream could be having money and having the girl of your dreams

Friday, February 28, 2020

Chapter 9

No one really cares about gatsby. Nick tried telling people to come to the funeral and show some love but they all were fake. The people would respond with “I don’t wanna get involved “ in anything questioning the Friendship.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

What’s so great about gatsby

The great thing about The Great Gatsby is that the characters and their decisions also reflect life in America today. For example people like gatsby want to change the past for the better, people will do just about anything to do it as well. Gatsby is and isn’t great as a human everyone makes mistakes but the things that he did do great in is having that illusion of falling in love with daisy and even wanted to do anything to convince her to get with gatsby. Although doing that he made a big move moving in near where daisy lives. Nick

Chapter 9 notes questions/ answers.

Wilson shit gatsby because he thought gatsby killed mrs Wilson so after that Wilson shot himself.

Chapter 8 notes questions/answers

1. Gatsby tells nick how they were in love with daisy back in Louisville and how she was supposed to  wait for him after  the war but when he came back she was married to Tom.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Chapter 7 guiding questions /answers

1.Gatsby stop making parties because daisy didn’t actually like the parties and it backfired. He also had daisy and he wants privacy now
2. Gatsby didn’t want anyone gossiping about him and daisy. Gatsby replaces them with  half a dozen  who never went into west egg village to be bribed by the tribesmen. They are different because  they weren’t servants but people did illegal things
3. gatsby kept looking at daisy's daughter surprised
4. Daisy and tom we’re getting along with each other. Tom won daisy over. The fight was about Tom cheating on daisy.
5. They crashed on the way back to Long Island
6.tom takes gatsby car with Jordan and nick in it. What this tells me is that daisy’s attitude is a fool.
Daisy killed a girl with a car and she  is fine with it and she wants to cheat

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Chapter 6

Gatsby tried to get daisy to like him but it backfired and daisy didn’t like the parties.