Friday, November 8, 2019

Self alliance part 4

As we went over the text again we all came upon a quote that was quite important. “ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” In other word or in mine in this case to me it really just means that (I feel like I have done a great job making my brother proud of me. Since the beginning of football he’s been inspired in me even tho he had his years I still see his love for the game and how he acts)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Self alliance part 3

“Nothing is sacred but the integrity of your own mind.” This topic is the kind of topic people need to understand. People should live by that topic mostly in this messed up era where people just want to look good. People will say your one thing but I’m reality your not. People say your mean or the devils child well it doesn’t matter to you cause you know it’s not true but if that’s the mindset people are giving you all you have to do is smile and wave. Your own mindset is the important part let’s say you want to do something good for some one you have to do what is needed not what you think is right.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Self reliance part 2

As we talked about the essay we came across this question. What makes kids courageous and adults so scared. There could be different answers to that. But from what I’ve heard today our judgments doesn’t really matter

Monday, November 4, 2019

Self alliance

My first impression was pretty straight forward. The guys writes about how being yourself can change everything. It talked about how being yourself is a good thing to do. This motivates me to just be what I want to be known as.