Thursday, February 13, 2020

Gatsbys test chapters 1-4

Chapter 1
1. Who is the narrator ?
2. Who is nick
Chapter 2
1. Who wanted dogs in New York ?
2.what is toms gifts to mrs.wilson
Chapter 3
1.why did nick go to Gatsbys party?
2.who asked nick if he goes to parties often ?
Chapter 4
1.what did daisy do before her event ?
2.why did gatsby buy the house at that location ?

1 comment:

  1. 1.Nick is the narrator
    2.Nick is the main character

    1.Myrtle wanted a dog
    2.Toms gift is the dog

    1.He went because he was invited

    1.I don't know
    2.Because it was across Daisy's house
